Cute Text Message Ideas

1. Avoid being boring and predictable. Boredness and predictability are the most serious crimes in text flirting. Text messages should be entertaining and entertaining. You shouldn't send text messages that are boring, or just as basic as "Hey! :")" or "How's your day going?" It's a total snorefest. You probably get these kinds of messages from every guy that she encounters, so do something that makes you stand out. Try something a little distinctive, something that gives her an incentive to respond, such as "you completely cheated on football the other night. I want a rematch.

2. Personalize it. Text messages may feel a bit impersonal. This builds confidence between you. You can mention her name in a text message. Girls like to see their names in a message. This is more intimate, and it provides them with a sense of intimacy. Or, you could choose to name her after the name of a particular nickname. It gives the impression as if you're sharing an inside joke. Make use of the words "us", "we" in your messages. This gives the positive "me and you against all the world" feel that girls love.

3. Don't forget to offer her a nice compliment. You can tell her, "Wow! I love your hair today. It's beautiful!" It's simple. Girls like to be appreciated. This makes them feel valued and valued and. It's fine to include a few nice words in your messages. A classic compliment, yet effective is "I cannot stop thinking about your black and white dress" or "You have the most odd sense of humor, but it's fantastic!" It is important to be genuine and not just trying to impress her. Women can tell a fake from a mile. Have a look at this lovely text message for love for info.

4. Be mysterious. While it's okay to be obscure in your text messages, you want to make her feel like she is chasing you, and not the reverse. So, try being vague or aloof sometimes, but not so much that she starts to doubt your behavior. If she asks about your day for instance, you shouldn't write back a lengthy message chronicling every boring details (see the first step). You can try to say, "It was quite bizarre actually." I'm always amazed the people around me. It's likely that she'll be intrigued and ask you for additional details in the next email. Don't be too vague if she wants to know about your weekend plans. You won't be able convince her that you're just going to spend the weekend working on some paper. Tell her that you're going off to fight the dragon, or do something else bizarre. It doesn't have to be true, but it should be intriguing.

5 .Tease her a little. Teasing is a great way to flirt. It lets you be intimate with each other without becoming too serious. Like I said before, calling your girl cute nicknames (one that you use only) is a great method to make fun of her. It is possible to use words like "freckles", or "little miss perfection" to poke fun at your girl. You can inquire about something she's said or done in the past time you've been together. For instance, if she says she's going to grab a Coke you could say something like "just don't squirt it out your nose like you did last time ;) ". This is an excellent example of call back humor. It draws focus to the fun you had together and encourages her to be positive about her relationships. Be respectful and not be mean, or your relationship via text is likely to end in a hurry.

6 Make yourself seem attractive. Of course, no text-based flirting relationship is complete without a little naughty suggestion to keep things exciting. You can also inquire what kind of dress she's wearing. Another good technique is to take an innocent comment of hers and deliberately misinterpret it as something sexual. Take, for instance she says "I am shocked by the length!" (referring to a film or something similar) you could reply by saying "that's the way she spoke". If you're nervous about going down sexing in a casual manner, you could mention that your just got out the shower. This will put the ball in her hand. If she reacts in the form of sexually flirtatious words, such as "dang I'd love to hear that") it'll let you know she's open. See this relationship i love you for recommendations.

Text Flirting Etiquette
1. Keep your messages brief and short. Long text messages can seem a bit too eager and are not very interesting. Try to make your messages concise no more than two or three paragraphs. Every message should be humorous, clever, or sweet.

2. Send an equal number of texts. Every texting relationship should be at a certain level of equality. One person shouldn't send out a greater number of texts than another. The sending of too many text messages can make you seem to be a bit too enthusiastic or open. It can make you appear overly assertive, which may either cause her to be scared or even lose interest. If you send numerous messages, she may consider you to be uninterested. If she feels this way it could make her think you're as a loser. So, you must discover a way to balance the situation by sending a roughly equal number of text messages, with the balance tilted slightly toward her, if it's possible. Be aware of who is initiating and terminating every text message. You might want to switch between them if possible.

3. Be careful with grammar and spelling. When you text messages, you'll need your message to appear intelligent and funny. Teenagers can get away with this, but those over 18 must be more cautious about spelling and grammar.
To make your personality appear intelligent it isn't necessary to search the dictionary for important words. Instead, go through each text before you send it. This ensures that there are no obvious misspellings or typos. It can make a big difference in the way your message will be perceived. It is possible to discern if your girlfriend sends you a photo of her wearing a new outfit. "wow! "wow!" sounds a much more exciting than the simple "wow!" and "I like ..." looks to be a lot more attractive. Use emoticons with care. Check out this beautiful and romantic messages for examples.

4. Do not let the conversation get lost in the conversation. A conversation that is dying can be abruptly ended. That's one of the essential texting abilities. If you allow texting to take too long, there will be little to no interesting topics left and your conversation will turn dull and awkward. The trick is to finish the conversation before getting to the point where you'll keep her interested. Try to end the conversation with something flirty and cute like "gotta go, babe I'll be in touch with you later. Do not get yourself into too much trouble with me!" or "Time for bed - need to sleep in my dream. I'm looking forward to meeting you in the middle of your dreams.

5. Do not use text-based flirting to substitute for actual flirting. Text flirting should only be used between actual, real-life flirting sessions. Texting is great, and it is possible to say things in text that you would be embarrassed to say in real life. But nothing beats the excitement of flirting in the real world. Text chats can be used to make plans for your next casual date or organize your next gathering. This gives your messages an objective and makes it something you can both be looking forward to. Remember that things like prolonged eye contact, a stunning smile and a precise brush of the hand beat an assortment of words on a screen at any time of the day.

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